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The reconstruction of the dances of bygone eras offers us the unique opportunity of a direct access to the body feeling and the manners of a distant time. The earliest surviving dance treatises are from the 15th century. They are from the late medieval Burgundy and from Italy where the Renaissance age already flourishes. The age of the Baroque offers perhaps the most exciting look back in time. Here even the French king dances and the dancing masters build the foundations of today's classical ballet. For the period from 1700 on, a variety of books and a, in those years newly invented, graphical dance notation allows us today to revive very accurately the brilliant dances those days. The entertainment of the middle class became the main subject of the dance book authors from the upheavals to the 19th century. Dancing is now a social enjoyment and the balls of the time are the main events of the year. The historical dance journey ends so far in the lively dances of the 20th century.

Loosely based on „Le Maître de Danse“

On my pages, you find information about historic dance of each individual epoch, as it has been handed down to us from the respective contemporary sources. Furthermore, here are some general articles and information about me and about the courses and workshops I offer in this area.

The pages are currently in large parts still under construction and in translation.